Mental fitness is a special training dedicated to strengthen your resilience. this means that you will be able to handle problems and life challenges with more ease and flow and as a result you will be less overwhelemed and stressed out in your daily life.
Mental fitness is different from mental health because mental health is the current condition of your mind while mental fitness are the exercises you do to keep your mind fit. An example would be that menal health is how your body looks and mental fitness are the exercises you do to make your body look that way.
The challenge people have with mental fitness is that you actually need to do the exercises and without them it is quite difficult to deal with special situations. Is like trying to lift a 200 pound dumbell without ever exercising or preparing for it.
The way to exsercise your menal capacity to adversity is through th following exersises:
Concentration reps or as we call them PQ reps. One popular one is to activate your senses. If you are sitting right now, feel the weight of your body pressing agains the chair you are on. This typically works best when closing your eyes. After spending 30 seconds trying to feel the pressure between your body and the chair, feel the heat between the chair and you. Do this for another 30 seconds. This brings your brain bck to the neutral mode which is at rest and calm.
Another exercise that I love is the breathing exercise. Closing your eyes sit up straight and start feeling your breath pattern. After you spend 15 full seconds feeling the pattern, then concentrate on the air coming into your lungs and filling htem up. Followed by feeling the air exit your lungs out of your nose. Aim to create a similar relaxed tempo in the inhalation and exhalation. Then after doing this for 15 seconds, move on to feeling the temperature of your breath going in your nose and leaving your nose.
Again, these types of exercises calm your brain and generates a sense of coherence that will help you think better when you need to solve problems.
Starting a new endevour is not easy. Many things will happen that you could not foreseen and even before that, most of your time will be being stuck in the planning face trying to get it perfect. In reality you are procrastinating because you are on fear mode.
The key of mental fitness is to move away from the fear mode and into the abundance mode where you are confident and trust yourself to make the steps necessary to achieve your goal. Whether it is in a relationship, work or private, mental fitness helps you overcome your issues with more ease.
There are plenty more exercise to go over and if you would like a guided practive I would love to welcome you to our program.